Type copyright symbol text
Type copyright symbol text

type copyright symbol text

Could this also be a possibility in Dorico? Use the text tool and do the following: Hold down the Alt key and press 0169 on the keypad, then release the Alt key. Word also changes © into the copyright symbol by default.

I’m on Windows 10 (German) and in Microsoft Word I can add the copyright symbol by pressing “alt gr” + c. Most word processor programs, such as Microsoft Word or Apple’s Pages, will automatically turn this into the appropriate copyright symbol, ©. hth, David Kozina 'windowsxp5' wrote in message news:1. Why not adding the Copyright symbol to the Copyright field by default and making it only appear, when other text is added? I can’t imagine a Copyright remark without this symbol, so I would prefer an easy and quick way to show it inside Dorico (without copying from other programs or having to learn a code for the symbol). To type the copyright symbol in most word processors, simply place a lowercase c in between parenthesis (c). Specify a font via your textstyle or via mtext formatting codes that has the copyright symbol defined.

Type copyright symbol text